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I love the fact there is no music in this sequence. Makes it even more visceral. A little mistake at 3:44 the tumbler was going to flip on its topside. But they cut it and we see it flip on its tyres instead.

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The "tAnkH yoUH" at 2:13 ??. The way the author portrayed Jo in the book was always biased, because she was a Jo. I"m a Beth. When reading the book, I couldn"t help but see myself in Beth- everything she did was something I would do.

I love to see his redition in the KIng, i loved him in Call me by my name. just a guy that seems so down to earth, similar to the other guy Tom Holland, but both are or will be great actors. The best few minutes of my life. Dont like new movie actors much better actors 1994 movie. Nah, it looks like a fecking Hallmark Channel production and Siorse keeps slipping into her native accent.

She seems like she"s figuring things out. Most amazingly: she answers real. She has no pre constructed sentences ready. It felt pure to listen to her answers. I thought Timothée Chalomet was miscast. Yes, hes 23, but he looks younger than he is. I didnt buy him as Teddy.

I"m guessing Zach snapped that Oscar nom reaction shot. I can"t wait for Little Women and The French Dispatch. There"s something predatory about Laurie"s words. He doesn"t offer himself to her, but negotiates his love. He wants to own her, not love her. 0:38 “I think energetic” while saying it without energy! ??????????. I love it.


Greta Gerwig"s follow up to her Oscar-praised "Lady Bird" from 2017 looks set to repeat the job this year. For it"s nothing short of a masterpiece of cinema.
Louisa M. Alcott"s semi-autobiographical novel has been filmed before (in 1949 and 1994, together with a number of other TV versions. I"ve not seen any of these previous versions and (as a literary philistine) I"ve never read the book either. So the story was new to me and drew me in perfectly.
The March sisters - Jo (Saoirse Ronan) Meg (Emma Watson) Amy (Florence Pugh) and the youngest Beth (Eliza Scanlen. are being brought up by their mother (Laura Dern) and Aunt (Meryl Streep) while their father (Bob Odenkirk) is away fighting in the Civil War. Also providing a helping hand is the rich neighbour Mr Lawrence (Chris Cooper) whose good-looking but indolent son "Laurie" Timothée Chalamet) has had the hots for tom-boy Jo for many years.
Each of the girls has a talent: for Jo it"s writing, with her struggling to get her work past the grumpy publisher Mr Dashwood (Tracy Letts, from "Le Mans "66. for Meg it"s acting; for Amy it"s painting; and for Beth it"s music.
The film follows the lives, loves, successes and misfortunes of the sisters over two periods, split 7 years apart. It"s a bumpy ride for some.
It struck me, as the big green BBFC certificate flashed onto the screen, how rare it is to find a "U - Suitable for all" UK) certificate on a film these days. This is a film that the whole family *could* go and see. My only reservation here would be the way the film zips in and out of the two time periods at will. This might confuse the hell out of younger children. The subject matter of one part of the story may also disturb sensitive kids.
It"s a really old-fashioned film - full of melodrama, love, unrequited love, death, charity, ambition and kindness - that builds to a feel-good ending that was totally corny but felt perfect in every way. We need more of this in our lives.
Wow. Just wow. The Oscar Best Actress categories are going to be a bloodied battlefield this year! There have been some GREAT roles for women on screen in the last year, and the Academy will have a job on their hands to narrow the long-list to the short-list this year. I would have tentatively forecast that Renée Zellweger might have had the Best Actor Oscar wrapped up for "Judy. But then here comes Saoirse Ronan. With phenomenal screen presence, she lights up every single scene she"s in. Emma Watson and Florence Pugh are great actresses (and both here stand a stab at the Supporting Actress category) but your gaze always falls straight back to Ronan"s reaction.
It"s also a wonderful performance for newcomer Eliza Scanlen as the youngster Beth: I heard director Greta Gerwig comment (on Edith Bowman"s excellent Soundtracking podcast) that Eliza needed less lighting than anyone else on set as she was "naturally luminous"
Again lodging a cracking performance is the versatile Timothée Chalomet. does the young chap make a bad film?
When you get to the end of the "cast bit" and you haven"t mentioned Meryl Streep and Laura Dern yet, that says a lot!
What comes across more than anything else is just how apt this story is today to the "girl power" times that we are currently living through. Jo in particular is the rebel of her day, fighting against the conformity of what it was in the time to be an independent woman, and specifically an independent working woman. Some of Alcott"s words from the book could even today act as a rallying cry to those looking for greater change.
My reviewing year has certainly got off to a bang with this one. It"s a glorious movie, utterly absorbing with ravishing cinematography by Yorick Le Saux and a brilliant soundtrack by Alexandre Desplat: both I suspect likely to feature in Oscar nominations. It"s also likely to be nominated in other technical categories including Production Design, Costume and Hair & Makeup.
And I predict that this is inevitably going to be a Christmas favourite to match "The Sound of Music" and "It"s a Wonderful Life" in future years.
Comes with a highly recommended tag from me.
(I went to see this again last night and loved it even more. as a result I"ve upped my rating from 9/10 to 10/10. I think its a masterpiece.)
(For the full graphical review, please check out One Mann"s Movies on the web or Facebook. Thanks...

Laura"s enthusiasm and love for film and acting is so endearing i love her. This movie made me feel lost. I thought I knew what I wanted to be and I still feel like I do but I don"t know for certain. I love movies and watching them like no other and i"ve always wanted a career in movies but not as an actress, I just don"t know as what. I feel so lost all the time but this movie has given me some hope that I don"t have to confirm to what other want me to be and that it"s okay to be lost cause you will find yourself. So thank you to all the little women.
But seriously go watch this movie.

The language is bad... the classic text is gone. They simplified the text. Where is the classic period... it is in the right time period. the same mess they did when they did the remake pride and prejudice? How can you use modern simple language? What are all so uneducated that we can not understand old English? I wonder will they butcher all period pieces to make easy enough for a 12-year-old to understand or will people believe that we use the same english throughout history. Will they mess up another Jane Austen Piece - or Oscar Wilde. That is why i am not a fan or new version of these movies. Fiona Rider version was more true to the text.

Badly snubbed by every award this year. Christian and Winona were truly unique and beautiful couple. Both were extremely talented and with a fascinating biography (in some ways very similar. Everything was more natural in that era. Young actors today, when they start, are like mass products, PR is behind everything. In the 70"s, 80"s and 90"s there was still much more improvisation, instinct and real talent. And I know what I am saying because I have been working in the industry for more than 40 years.




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Director: Adrian Grunberg / 89 minute / actors: Sergio Peris-Mencheta / 65000 votes / genres: Adventure / Rambo: Last Blood is a movie starring Sylvester Stallone, Paz Vega, and Sergio Peris-Mencheta. Rambo must confront his past and unearth his ruthless combat skills to exact revenge in a final mission







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Rambo: Last Blood (4 out of 5 stars.
Rambo: Last Blood is a gritty, bloody, and another revenge predictable story which has John Rambo facing against bad guys who are sex trafficking in Mexico. Being the fifth Rambo film in the series, you can not expect anything more but a simple thin plot that just gives Sylvester Stallone to come up with creative traps and gritty ways to kill the bad guys. Which is just what you can expect in this fifth film. Simple and predictable story. But the action sequences are great, gritty, and exciting.
The plot follows Rambo (Sylvester Stallone) living the quiet life in a ranch. He lives next to his niece and his old friend Maria. When his niece Gabrielle wants to go to Mexico to find her dead beat father that walked out of her and her mother"s life. She gets kidnapped and sex trafficked by a group of bad guys. Rambo heads down there to rescue her which gets the attention of the bad guys to come back to his home. Which he has set a trap for them.
The plot is thin and predictable. Rambo lectures Gabrielle about the dangers of the real world that she has yet to experience. Fresh out of high school. Her ignorance has her leaving the ranch anyways to see her father. She makes the stupid decision to see her shady friend in Mexico. After being upset about seeing her father. Her friend convinces her to go to a club. Which you can tell what is about to happen next.
If you could put aside the weak story. The revenge concept builds the suspense and thrills seeing Rambo going in a territory were he is alone and defenseless when he is surrounded by a gang of guys. The film works great with its brutal fight scenes and action. Which is definitely what you can expect in a Rambo film. Rambo using nearly every weapon from hammers, knifes, arrows, and guns. There are some cringing moments when he digs his finger inside a guys knife wound to pull a bone out. It is what you can expect. A mindless brutal action flick which does its purpose to entertain.
Sylvester Stallone does great playing the veteran soldier of Rambo. Even though, the story has been weak in those films. The action is always worth the price of admission. I will love to see another sixth film with Stallone playing the character. The villain is underdeveloped in the film but just like every bad guy in every movie. You don"t really need to know anything more besides they will face against Rambo"s wrath.
Overall, Rambo: Last Blood is a good action thriller. The plot is predictable and weak just like another revenge thriller type. Sylvester Stallone does great at what he does. The action sequences are brutal, gritty, and intense. The showdown at his ranch is very exciting to see him take down a gang of bad guys.

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